About Us

A warm welcome to Wirral Grammar School for Girls.  We are a friendly, inclusive and diverse school where every member of the school community is supported to reach their individual potential. It is not just about academic success, although we are undoubtedly an academically rich and challenging environment, it is also the way the students care for each other, their school and wider community. It is their desire to do well, not just for themselves but for each other.
We have very high aspirations and expectations for our students and take care to provide them with the advice, guidance and support they need to make the best possible decisions about their future plans. We know that when they take up their places at university or on a degree-level apprenticeship, they are well-prepared to do so, with the academic knowledge, confidence and ambition they need to be successful, whatever their chosen area of study.
Our teachers are all highly experienced and committed educators who work hard to provide a stimulating and engaging learning environment for each and every student. Every student benefits from their expertise and willingness to go above and beyond the curriculum to provide opportunities to learn. These include trips, field work, performances, visiting speakers and conferences.
The school also runs a huge range of extra-curricular activities across a wide range of disciplines including sport, music, drama, dance, creative writing, debating, Duke of Edinburgh, robotics, cookery and many, many more. We often joke that there is a club for everything here! Recently, school teams have been crowned national champions in activities including netball and Bar Mock.
At Wirral Grammar School for Girls, we really believe in the importance of developing the whole individual to understand their role in school, the wider community and the world at large. Our students regularly volunteer to help their local communities and raise money to help others and our Sixth Form students have an important role in student leadership as role models and as leaders in their own right.
We are immensely proud of the achievements of our students. We know that they have the ambition, confidence and knowledge they need to take a leading role in whatever they choose to do.