
Careers’ education and guidance is a vital and integral part of our Sixth Form pastoral programme. Our tailored Careers Guidance Programme is delivered by experts in our pastoral team to inform, support and inspire our students. We encourage our girls to be positive and ambitious about their future plans and equip them with the skills and qualifications they need to progress into either higher education or the world of work.

The careers programme in the Sixth Form is separated into 4 strands: Investigate; Choose; Enact and Succeed. Information about the support offered at each stage of this process is found below.


Students make the best decisions from a position of knowledge. Therefore, we encourage all students to thoroughly investigate their options. To support them to do this we offer:

  • One-to-one support, including meetings with our dedicated Head of Sixth Form Careers
  • Tutor support
  • A student bulletin
  • Careers Clinic
  • Independent exploration time
  • Access to Unifrog, an internet-based careers platform 
  • Labour market information
  • Trips to visit universities


Once students understand the options available to them, they then go on to working towards making their applications as good as possible. Support includes:

  • Visiting speakers programme and links to alumni
  • Futures Exhibition
  • Work Experience (all members of Year 12 will undertake a week of work experience in the summer term)
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • University Open Days
  • Apprenticeship Hub
  • A clear programme of linked support, tailored to the individual
  • Med Soc (for anyone interested in applying for medicine or dentistry)
  • Oxbridge Society (for anyone interested in applying to Oxford or Cambridge University)


When it comes to completing the application process, students are supported to do so. This includes:

  • CV workshops and individualised support
  • Help with the university Personal Statement
  • Help with application forms
  • Interview Practice and techniques
  • Detailed feedback


Our students go on to be successful in a huge range of areas, most at university or via apprenticeships. Some choose to take a Gap Year and others to go directly to employment. What is important is that they do so with the knowledge that they are in the right place for them and with the skills and confidence to be successful.