Sixth Form Enrichment

As part of our aspirational curriculum, we believe that students should have a broad and well-rounded sixth form experience. This is why we offer an extra qualification or award in addition to students studying their chosen A-levels. It allows sixth form students to explore and develop their wider interests, giving them the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge, and also broaden their horizons.

These enrichment options are often timetabled and are all completed during year 12 giving students an advantage in university and apprenticeship applications where they can talk about their additional qualifications and experiences. The options have been picked to give students a potentially very different qualification to their A-levels but one that could be very useful to their chosen career, or just because they take an interest in it.

We review our enrichment curriculum on an annual basis to make sure that it is fully up-to-date and will be as beneficial as possible to our sixth form students.

“In the sixth form, enrichment activities enhance the taught curriculum.”

Ofsted, 2022

In addition, outside speakers come in to talk to the students during the assemblies programme, and when these are not happening the Sixth form team share thoughts for the day on a range of pastoral topics which encompass PSHE and RSE themes. We very much treat our Sixth Form students as young adults and provide opportunities for discussion and debate on a wide range of current affairs, societal issues and topics that are of interest.