Examination Results

GCSE Examination Results

We are once again immensely proud of our Year 11 students and their successes at GCSE. In a year in which results returned to pre-pandemic levels, we have been celebrating individual triumphs and successes and we congratulate each and every student.

Nearly 40% of all examinations were graded at 9 and 8, the highest grades and 80% of all examinations were graded 9 – 6. We are also delighted that over 80% of Year 11 have chosen to continue their sixth form studies at Wirral Grammar School for Girls.

Jenny Ogunmyiwa, Headteacher said, ‘We are delighted with the results and extremely proud of all our students. They have worked incredibly hard preparing for their GCSE examinations, showing great determination and resilience. The results are a true testament to the hard work and dedication of the students, staff and parents. We wish all our students the very best in their sixth form studies.’

A Level Examination Results

The students and staff are celebrating another wonderful set of A Level results with 29% of all grades at A*-A, 60% of examinations graded A*-B and 82% graded at A*-C and over 10% of the cohort achieving all A* and A grades.

Jenny Ogunmyiwa, Headteacher, said ‘We are proud of all our students’ successes with results which have allowed them to move on to a wide range of exciting opportunities including places at Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College and UCL; high level degree apprenticeships at major local and national companies and exciting employment and gap year opportunities. What is most exciting is that these students have worked hard and whatever their aspirations, they have been able to achieve their goals and go on to their chosen courses. We wish them every success in their future endeavours.’