
Our House system has been in place since 2009. It was originally introduced in response to pupils asking to work with pupils from other year groups and they also wanted to get to know the pupils in their own year group better. Since then the House system has grown in strength and is now an integral part of our school culture and traditions. Every pupil in the school is placed in one of 6 houses. The names and associated colours of the six houses are:

  • Alpha (Purple)
  • Esperance (Orange)
  • Ferens (Yellow)
  • Invicta (Red)
  • Unitas (Green)
  • Virtus (Blue)

Each house is led by a House Captain and a team of House prefects. They are responsible for organising House events such as sports day, talent shows, charity events, and our house shout competition. Pupils will attend a House assembly once every half term and will be encouraged to get involved in the events to raise points for their House.