
Meeting the student’s individual needs is at the forefront of our thinking and we always include parents/carers in matters of pastoral care. Similarly, we ask that parents communicate regularly with the school so that we can offer the best support we can. Parents/carers are encouraged to keep us in touch with any changes that pupils are experiencing at home or if they have any worries regarding their daughter’s personal or academic development. We will, in turn, contact parents when we have concerns or if we feel that a quick chat can enable us to work together more effectively.

We are pleased to be able to offer a range of additional support for the pupils which includes:

  • Pastoral Assistant
  • Learning mentors
  • Three school counsellors
  • An excellent school nurse and a drop in clinic provided by Health Services in Schools once a week staffed by our nurse and our youth worker
  • Year 12 pastoral mentoring group to support friendships and wellbeing
  • Study Buddy mentoring – Year 10 mentors to KS3 pupils for support with homework and organisation
  • Next step support session
  • Colour Therapy sessions
  • Mindcraft – a craft activity to support pupils’ emotional wellbeing
  • Academic sixth form mentors
  • Action for Children Blue’s Programme
  • Wirral Brook services
  • Workshops organised within year groups looking at self esteem and self confidence.
  • A close relationship with Wirral CAMHS

We organise many events that focus on exploring the stigma around mental health and encourage pupils to value and learn strategies around maintaining their emotional and mental wellbeing. We also invite outside speakers to join us, run information evenings for parents and staff wellbeing activities.