Years 7-11

Joining Wirral Grammar School for Girls in Year 7 is the start of an exciting and fulfilling 7 year journey!

You will be challenged and supported to reach your potential in all aspects of school life, from your academic pursuits, extra-curricular involvement, community events and opportunity to lead and support others.

The first five years of your journey through school will introduce you to a very wide variety of subjects, from movement to food and nutrition via modern foreign languages and mathematics. The academic offering here will help you to develop your interests and prepare you for studying GCSEs in Years 10 and 11. The hardest decision you will make will be deciding which subjects to take!

You will also begin to make lifelong friends in your form group who you will study with in some subjects. Pastoral care is at the heart of the pupil experience at Wirral Grammar School for Girls as we believe that happy pupils are successful.

We want every member of our school community to have the opportunities and experiences to reach their potential to help them to become the best versions of themselves.