Sixth Form Curriculum

The Sixth Form at Wirral Grammar School for Girls is a vibrant and intellectually challenging community. Our school aims to provide the fullest range of high-quality academic experiences within a supportive environment and our Sixth Form has an ethos of excellence, challenge and responsibility.

“The school provides many extra resources outside of lessons to support you further with your learning which helps me to keep on top of my studies. The assessment points throughout the year provide a good idea of your personal progress and any areas which may need improvement.”

Hannah, Year 13

Our Sixth Form is an academic learning environment which offers a wide range of A Level subjects. The curriculum offers breadth, depth and academic rigour to the students that continue with us from Year 11 and those who join us from other local schools. We offer over 26 academic A levels, as well as a strong core programme which will help you to develop as an independent learner, researcher and student and which will help to prepare you for your continuing education beyond school.

All students study either 3 or 4 A Levels alongside an enrichment option, core PE and a PSHE and RSE programme which is delivered during form time activities and through outside speakers. We are committed to ensuring that all students receive the best quality teaching and learning environment to help them to develop their strengths, talents, passions and realise their potential.

We also offer support in helping our students to understand their options when they leave school and to harness their potential to make the best possible decisions for them, understanding that this will be entirely individual to them and what they want to do.

At the end of their A Levels, our students are resilient, hard-working and independent learners who are able to make the most of the opportunities they receive once they move on to the next stage of their educational journey.