
All pupils in Year 12 sit end of year examinations in a set week in the summer term. Year 13 pupils sit mock examinations in all subjects in the spring term.

These examinations last 5-7 days and a full timetable will be shared with students, parents and carers. During this week, there will be no lessons.

A summary of the key information is below:

  • Students should bring the correct equipment. As a minimum, this should include: black biro pens (gel pens are not permitted), pencils, rubber, sharpener, ruler, protractor, scientific calculator (with lid removed).
  • Equipment should be in a transparent pencil case.
  • No watches (digital or analogue) or mobiles are permitted in the examination room.
  • Students should remove any notes from blazer pockets etc.
  • Students are allowed to bring water in the examination room in a clear bottle (with no label).
  • If a student has an unplanned absence during examinations, they will have to sit any missed examinations in their own time. This will be marked but the mark will not be included in their report.

Subject staff will talk to their classes about how to prepare for these assessments and will also give details about what subject content will be assessed.

We work closely with the school’s SENCO to ensure that the child’s normal way of working is applied in these examinations and the appropriate access arrangements are in place. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the school.

We ask parents and carers for their support in preparation for these assessments – well-planned revision is important, while still allowing time to relax and enjoy time with friends and family.