Student Leadership

We are proud of the leadership roles our sixth form students undertake in school as well as the wider community.

Many sixth form students are excellent mentors to younger years in different capacities. These include year 7 form mentors helping discuss topical issues and host quizzes, but also reading and subject mentors to help build younger students’ knowledge and confidence.

Community leadership opportunities include reading recovery with local primary school pupils, Rotary Interact Club and delivering the Christmas cards our younger students write to care home residents amongst many others.

Further student leadership opportunities exist in year 13 including Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl. However, our leadership team goes far beyond those two roles with dedicated prefect teams for Anti-Bullying, Charity, Digital, Eco and School Council. Our Eco Prefect Team this year organised a highly successful non-uniform day where old clothes were donated and contributed to an eco-fashion show.

Our student leadership team also includes House Captains and their deputies who run inter-house competitions and charity events, and subject prefects who run mentoring sessions and extra-curricular clubs.

Whilst not officially an extracurricular club, charitable giving is a very important part of school life at Wirral Grammar School for Girls. We have a number of charities that we regularly support, including Claire House, and will support other charities when it is of particular relevance to our school community. Charity events and helping in our wider community is part of our commitment to give pupils and students opportunities to be kind, understanding where there is need and being committed to doing the best we can to improve the world in which we live. Form groups, the charity prefects, the House Captains and houses, the Sixth Form and the whole school all take a role in facilitating this.