Each year, students who may face a financial barrier to participation in their A Level studies are invited to apply for a share of the 16-19 Bursary Fund for the current academic year. Applications are invited from students whose combined household income will not exceed £27,500 for the year. In order to ensure fairness and transparency, proof of income will be required as part of the application. Information about what evidence to include can be found in the attached documentation. Please note that those in receipt of Free School Meals for the current academic year will automatically also receive bursary funding. Any evidence provided as part of a bursary application will be handled confidentially and sensitively.
The Bursary Fund is designed to help those students whose families may find it difficult to fund the costs of attending school during the time their child is taking their A Levels. The fund can be used to cover the associated costs such as school clothing and shoes (in line with the Sixth Form Dress Code), books, study guides and stationery. It can also be used to cover the costs of transport, compulsory school trips and the cost associated with university visits and interviews.
Once a student is in receipt of the bursary, they are able to receive funding for items they have bought for school through providing receipts etc. Materials required by practical subjects such as art and design technology will be provided by the school and any specific requirements should be discussed with the relevant Head of Department.
Continued receipt of the fund will be conditional on meeting the standards expected of Sixth Form students as laid out in the Sixth Form Learning agreement. A copy of this can be found in the Sixth Form planner or can be obtained from the school.
We are unable to say at this stage what the amount that each student will receive, as this does depend on the demand. In the event of exceptional circumstances, or if household circumstances change within the academic year please do contact us, as we may be in a position to allocate one-off payments to support your family.
The application form and other information relating to the Bursary is available below. If your child/ward has previously received Pupil Premium funding and your circumstances have not changed, please read the information below.
If you have any specific queries, then please do not hesitate to contact our school office.