Parents’ Association

What is the Parents Association? 

The Parents’ Association is a voluntary organisation comprising of parents and carers of girls at the school, which aims to fundraise and enhance their school life. Our primary goal is to foster a strong partnership between parents, carers, teachers and the pupils here at Wirral Grammar School for Girls, ensuring that every child receives the best possible education and support. 

How does it fund raise? 

The Parents’ Association organises the Christmas Fair, Raffles, Quiz Nights and other occasional events to raise funds and bring children, parents and staff together within the school environment.  

We believe that every parent has something valuable to contribute, whether it’s time, talent or resources. As we continue our efforts to support our children’s education, we invite you to join us in making a difference. 

How can I get involved?

  • Attend PA meetings and share your ideas and concerns. 
  • Volunteer your time to help organise events and activities. 
  • Contribute raffle prizes. 
  • Help serving refreshments at school open evenings. 
  • Matching Funding. 

Your involvement, no matter how big or small, makes a difference. Together, we can create a vibrant and thriving school community that nurtures the growth and development of our girls. 

What are the funds spent on? 

The Parents’ Association works in partnership with the school to provide opportunities to enhance our children’s school experience. We raise funds to support essential programmes and initiatives that enhance the educational experience. From classroom supplies to extracurricular activities, your contributions directly impact the quality of education our children receive. In the past few years, we have funded: 

  • Updated facilities in the Sixth Form Common Room, including new tables, sofas and chairs.
  • Outdoor furniture for the school. 
  • Transport to various sporting and dance events. 
  • New keyboards for the music department. 
  • Full body skeleton, class sets of eye and heart models for the Biology department. 
  • 3D printer, new laser cutter and engraving machine. 
  • Equipment for Food Technology Department. 
  • Computerised sewing machines. 
  • Trophy cabinets and tennis nets for the PE department