Governor List

Governors 2023/24

ChairMr Geoff Dougherty
Vice ChairMrs Caroline Field
HeadteacherMrs Jennifer Ogunmyiwa
MembersMrs V Attwood
 Mrs Fiona Barrick
 Mr Steve Bridge
 Mrs Julie Forshaw
 Mr Nigel Hayward
 Mrs H Hill
 Mrs Sue Jacobs
 Mrs Emma Mok
 Mrs Jenny Schwarz
 Professor Rob Smith
 Mrs Kathryn Spence
Parent GovernorsMr E Arnold
 Mr Andrew Cooper
 Mrs N Rice
Staff GovernorsMrs Elizabeth de Boorder (Teaching)
Mrs Sylvia Reed (Non Teaching)
Clerk to the GovernorsMrs Helen Bush

The governing body is subject to change via election. Any changes will be notified. Governors can be contacted using the school address by letter.