Headteacher’s Welcome

A warm welcome to Wirral Grammar School for Girls, a grammar school educating girls aged 11-18 since 1931. We are very proud of our history of excellence in both academic achievement and the enrichment opportunities offered.

We are committed to providing the best educational opportunities through an ambitious curriculum, placing an emphasis on developing well rounded citizens who are equipped for the next stage of their education and beyond. The school offers an inclusive learning community, with the highest standards of teaching and learning, where there is a lively buzz of activity and curiosity in the classroom. Students are also provided with an enrichment programme to extend their learning outside the classroom, through clubs/societies, various leadership and careers opportunities.

We have always fostered traditional values, notably self-discipline, community spirit and thoughtfulness for others resulting in outstanding relationships at the school. Our pastoral care ensures students are well supported and are guided through their journey at school. The school equips students with the knowledge and confidence they need in order to realise their long-term ambitions. We are a vibrant learning community where everyone is valued and a culture of mutual respect exists.

I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Wirral Grammar School for Girls and hope you enjoy visiting our website to find out more about our fabulous school.

Mrs Ogunmyiwa