Ofsted – Outstanding in all areas


You will know that Wirral Grammar School for Girls was visited by Ofsted on 6 and 7 December 2022.  The report has now been published and I am delighted to share with you the Outstanding judgement awarded to the school. The school was judged to be outstanding in all areas.

The report highlights many areas of excellence, but we are incredibly proud that Ofsted recognises that at ‘Wirral Grammar School for Girls pupils and students thrive. They feel an immense sense of pride at belonging to a warm and welcoming school community.’ The inspectors also comment that ‘kindness permeates the school’ and that the pupils are ‘extremely courteous, polite and helpful to others’; we are immensely proud of all of our pupils. 

This extremely positive outcome is the result of the dedication and commitment of the staff, the hard work and respectful attitudes of the pupils as well as the continued support of both the parents/carers and the governing body.  Thank you to our whole school community! 
