A Level Results 2022

Wirral Grammar School for Girls celebrates outstanding A Level Grades.

There are many notable successes this year but special mention must go to Sophie Beale who will read Philosophy and Mathematics at Edinburgh after getting four A* grades, Ruby Bestwick who achieved four A* grades will read Mathematics and Physics at Bristol, Scarlotte Mok who achieved four A* grades will read Business and Management at Durham and Rachael Price who gained four A* grades and will read Natural Sciences at Cambridge. Elizabeth Rigby who received four A* grades and will read Computer Science at Bath and Zoe Buckmaster who achieved three A* grades will read Italian and Spanish at Oxford. Emma Cooke will study Economics and Economic History at the LSE having gained three A* grades and one A grade.

Other successes were

Alycia Elam who achieved three A*s and one A grade and will read Mathematics at Imperial College. Ciara Ferry achieved three A* grades and one A grade and will study History at Durham. Katya Jennings achieved three A*s and one A grade and will read Dentistry at Newcastle, while Elizabeth Fling will read Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry at Manchester after achieving three A* grades. Evie Stafford-Heymans who achieved three A* will study Comic and Concept art at Leeds Arts University. Rebecca Halliday who achieved two A* grades, two A grades and one B grade will read Medicine at Bristol.

Robyn Hennessy achieved two A* grades and two A grades and will read Fashion Design Technology and Menswear at University of the Arts, London and Daisy Foster achieved two A* grades and one A grade and will read Art History and English Literature at Manchester. Jessica Haslam achieved two A* grades and one A grade and will read Cultural and Media Studies at Leeds. Grace Vesey also achieved two A* grades and one A grade and will study Modern Languages at Leeds. Aleah White will study Game Design at Liverpool after achieving two A* grades and one A grade. Emily Wakefield will read Medicine and Surgery at Newcastle after gaining three A grades and one A* grade. Katherine Long achieved two A*s and two A grades and will read Medicine at Liverpool.

Mrs Cogan, Headteacher, said: “I am thrilled that today has gone so well. The covid pandemic over the last two years has been a particularly trying time for pupils, parents and staff. The girls and staff worked together throughout the covid lockdowns to gain these outstanding results. The girls have had superb pastoral care, an outstanding range of extra-curricular opportunities and have built friendships that will last them a lifetime. I am extremely proud of the achievements of all the girls. They have worked so hard over seven long years and been a real pleasure to teach. It is a true testament to the hard work and dedication of all the pupils, staff and parents.”

The overall pass rate at A*-A was 45% and at A*-B it was 75%. Congratulations to everyone in  Year 13 on another set of outstanding A Level results. 
